SASSA Payment Schedule And Appeal Dates

SASSA Payment Schedule And Appeal Dates

SASSA Payments Dates , Sassa social grant payment schedule starts from the second day of each month provided that the day does not fall on weekend or public holiday. December is different, Sassa social grants payment schedule start earlier. We share the Sassa payment dates below.

Get Sassa Monthly Payment Dates

We know how important it is for you to get the monthly payment schedule , sharing is caring and these are payment dates for the ‘normal grants’ that Sassa disburse every month but if you need to check SASSA SRD Payments Dates Read Further .

SASSA Grant Payment Schedule

SASSA published full year payment schedule for their beneficiaries in the beginning of the year. The plan shows Sassa payment dates from April 2022 to March 2023. Now it is easier for Sassa clients to know when they will be paid each month.

They indicated that social grants will be paid from the second day of each month provided that those days do not fall on weekends or public holiday. But for December, payments will start earlier by a day. Payments for every month will start on the first day of the month than on the second day of the month. See full payment schedule below.

Sassa Payment Dates 2022

Social grants in December will be paid as follows:

Older pensioner grant

Older pensioner’s grant will be paid on 01 December 2022.

Disability grant

Disability grant will be paid on 02 December 2022.

Child support grant

Child Support Grant will be paid on 05 December 2022

All other grants

All other grants will also be paid on 05 December 2022.

SASSA SRD Monthly Payment Dates

You may get social grant payment schedule here for free. We know how important it is for you to get the monthly payment schedule. That is why we do publish social grants payment dates on a monthly basis. These are payment dates for the ‘normal grants’ that Sassa disburse every month.

The schedule we publish does not include SRD R350 Grant. The SRD R350 grant is a special grant which one can access the payment date by checking their grant status. You may find more about this here.

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