Applying For University Application For 2023

Applying for university application for the year 2023.
1. University of Pretoria. opening date: 1 April closing date: 30 June Application fee: R 300
2. Stellenbosch university. opening date: 1 March closing date: 31 July Application fee: R 100
3. University of cape town. opening date: 1 April closing date: 31 July Application fee: R 100 – R 300
4. Witwatersrand university (wits). opening date: 1 May closing date: 30 June Application fee: R 200
5. Nelson Mandela university. opening date: 1 April closing date: 4 August Application fee: none
6. University of kwa-zulu Natal. opening date: 1 April closing date: 30 June for medicine/ 30 September for everything else Application fee: R 250
7. University of western cape. opening date: 1 April closing date: 30 November Application fee: none
8. Rhodes university. opening date: 1 April closing date: 30 November Application fee: R 100
9. University of fort hare. opening date: 1 April closing date: 30 November Application fee: R 80
10. Cape peninsula university of technology. opening date: 1 May closing date: 30 November Application fee: R 150
11. University of Johannesburg. opening date: 1 April closing date: 31 October Application fee: None
2023 Universities in South Africa Applications Links:
University of Johannesburg:
University of Free State:
Wits University:
Stellenbosch University :
North West University:
University of Western Cape:
University of Cape town:
Nelson Mandela University:
University of Pretoria:
Cape Peninsula University of Technology:
Central University of Technology:
University of Mpumalanga:
Universities under CAO (Central Application :
Mangosuthu University of Technology
Durban University of Technology
University of Kwa- Zulu Natal
University of Zululand
University of Fort Hare : OR