Get Sassa Srd R350 Applications Approved

Get Sassa Srd R350 Applications Approved

Get Sassa Srd R350 Applications Approved ,

SASSA Application complete

This means that your application has successfully completed the verification process after reapplication, and you will get the SRD Sassa grant every month.

SASSA Bank details pending

Meaning that your application has been approved by Sassa, but you did not provide or select any payment gateway to receive the Sassa grant. The payment gateway is cash send, bank, etc. You can read also about banking details submission.

SASSA Reapplication pending:

Sassa still continues the Sassa r350 grant for their unemployed citizens, but they have to reapply for the grant. The reapplication pending means that you have not been reapplied for the grant or reapplication has been received yet.

SASSA (eg May) Pending

The applicant reapplication was received by the Sassa official, but the verification process is still not completed yet. The applicant can check back the status later in the month for the update.

SASSA Period (eg April) Approved:

Application for your grant has been approved but only for the period mentioned there. The client can check the pay date field to confirm when did applicant can get their grant money. If there was no pay date available there, then Sassa has not processed any payment for you yet.

SASSA Period (eg April) Declined

Meaning that your Sassa grant has been declined for the period mentioned there. Sassa official also mentioned the specific reason why your Sassa application was declined. According to Sassa, the applicant whose application has been declined can appeal or apply for reconsideration of their application within 30 days from the date they receive the declined announcement about their grant. Among various reasons why the application will be declined, some of them are:

  1. alternative income source Identified,
  2. UIF registered,
  3. NSFAS registered,
  4. Debtor,
  5. Referred,
  6. Identity verification failed.

Except for the debtor, all other applicants can appeal the declined reason.


This simply means that the grant is canceled. The applicant can reinstate the grant through the Sassa website.

R350 application status

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