Reconfirm SRD SASSA R350 For August

Reconfirm SRD SASSA R350 For August
SASSA Request Any one who applied for SRD R350 To reconfirm their Application every 3 month , this will help SASSA to identify people who still need help with R350 . People are applying for jobs so once you are employed you no longer qualify to get the grant .
How Do I Know is Time For SASSA Reconfirmation ?
Every Individual is requested to count only 3 months from the day they Applied For R350 grant , For example if you applied for SASSA R350 grant in the months of January it means you will count 3 months from January then reconfirm you Application .
Why Should We Reconfirm The SASSA SRD R350 ?
As you know Not everybody who applied is getting the Grant , Some are declined and are still appealing in order to be reconsidered for this grant , so if it happens that you are getting money somewhere and you are still getting the grant you are denying other people who are privileged to get the grant from not getting it , it is only fair that if you are getting the money please cancel your grant application and let others who are really in need get it.
Will I Be Declined After I Reconfirm ?
No you will be approved as long as after the process of verification with your bank SASSA find that you are still Getting R 0 to less that R656 Threshold , which was introduced by SASSA from July this year . The only people who will get declined are the once who by the time SASSA Do Verification find that they are earning more that the mentioned above threshold .
Why is my SASSA SRD Gant Appeal Keep On Declining ?
The Reason for appeal to decline vary from one applicant to another , for some reason may be because after SASSA do verification with banks , The Applicant is Earning More Than the given SASSA SRD Grant Threshold , For some the same reason that you are declined for is the same reason you should state in the appeal form , for example Other Source of Income Has been found , On the form you need to choose I don’t have other source of income .
How Do I Reconfirm ?
Good Question Now We are going to share with you step by step on how to reconfirm your SRD SASSA Grant below:
First of all you are going to Go to SASSA SRD Official Website
second scroll down until you find the online reconfirmation Form , You don’t need to download it Only click on it
You Will Find Several Questions on the form That needs to be completed by you the applicant
Please make sure you follow the steps and complete all Questions
Jumping Questions without answering the Questions might get your application Declined
Carefully Read and understands the Question Before Feeling Out The form there is no correction after sending SASSA will have to review it the way you submitted it.
To reconfirm your existing application – Click Here
To Check Status For Existing Application – Click Here
To Send Appeal For Declined SASSA SRD – Click Here
Check Us Regularly For New Updated Information About SASSA SRD At
In Conclusion
SASSA Requires Any SRD Grant Applicant To Reconfirm Their Application .