
EduPower Learnership Stipend R6000

The Learnerships now incorporate not only work readiness but mentorship programmes which substantially alter the outcomes for unemployed youth who are on the courses. It is much easier to enter the workforce after completing the the Learnership when the learner has performed the actual tasks that are done each day on the shop floor, and they have been guided by an experienced colleague about how to perform the tasks.

Learnerships run by EduPower include entry level Learnerships but they can range up to more experienced Learnership programmes that are suitable for people who already have some level of qualification.

EduPower has training venues nationwide and this localised approach removes geographical barriers and promotes a stronger sense of connection to the learning process for the learners on their Learnerships.

Speaking to the Careers Portal, CEO Rajan Naidoo highlighted the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) sector as one that has a lot of potential. “It is a gateway sector that has the potential to create large-scale, entry-level employment opportunities for young people with little experience or training,” said Naidoo.

How To Apply For An EduPower Learnership

To apply for an EduPower Learnership register your details on their online database and they will contact you when a Learnership is available in your area.


How to apply

Click here to apply

Closing date: On Going

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