Higher certificate courses that offered at UNISA

Higher certificate courses that offered at UNISA

Higher certificate courses that offered at UNISA

Higher certificate courses that offered at University of south africa(UNISA)
Opening date:11 August
1.Higher certificate in Accouting sciences(98201)
-APS 14
2.Higher certificate in adult basic education and training(98615)
-APS 15
3.Higher certificate in animal welfare (90098)
-APS 15
4. Higher certificate in archives and records management(98577)
-APS 15
5.Higher certificate in banking(98225)
-APS 15
6.Higher certificate in animal justice(90006)
-APS 15
7. Higher certificate in economics and management sciences(98237)
-APS 15
8. Higher certificate in Education foundation phase and intermediate phase(90093-FIP)
-APS 18
9.Higher certificate in EDUCATION senior phase and further and training teaching(90093-FIP)
-APS 18
10.Higher certificate in insurance(90013)
-APS 15
11. Higher certificate in law(98751)
-APS 15
12.Higher certificate in life and environmental sciences(98366)
-APS 15
13. Higher certificate in marketing(98229)
-APS 15
14. Higher certificate in mathematics and statistics(90129)
-APS 15
15.Higher certificate in physics(90101)
-APS 15
16. Higher certificate in social auxiliary work(90011)
-APS 15
17. Higher certificate in supervisory management(90015)
-APS 15
18. Higher certificate in Tourism management(98226)
-APS 15

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