SASSA Grant Payment September 2023

SASSA Grant Payment September 2023
- SASSA is already gearing up to pay out social grants for next month. With this in mind, the agency has recently published the Sassa grant payment dates for September.
- September is just days away and if you are a social grant beneficiary with the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa), keeping up with the agency’s payment schedule should be your first priority. Fortunately, we’ve got you covered, so without any further delay let us have a look at when you can expect to receive your grant payment in September.
- Sassa currently administers eight social grants to over 18 million South Africans who struggle to make ends meet. These grants include the Older Persons Grant, Disability Grant, Child Support Grant, Foster Child Grant and the Care Dependency Grant.
- The Social Relief of Distress grant is still administered on a temporary basis and is due to end in March 2024.
Sassa Grant Payment Dates For September
Permanent social grants are usually dispersed during the first week of the month, and considering that September is only a few days away, here are the exact dates on which you can collect your permanent social grant.
- Older Person’s Grant: Tuesday 05 September 2023
- Disability Grant: Wednesday 06 September 2023
- Child Support Grant: Thursday 07 September 2023
How To Collect Your Sassa Grant
- Permanent Sassa grants can be collected by doing cash withdrawals at ATMs or retail outlets using their Sassa gold card. Additionally, Sassa extended the validity of all Sassa gold cards that were due to expire during the year to the end of 2023.
- Beneficiaries can also access their grant payments without a Sassa gold card. However, for this option beneficiaries are required to provide their cellphone number, I.D document as well as their Sassa Gold card pin number.
- Beneficiaries of the Social Relief of Distress grant should be aware that there is no set payment date for their grant payments . This is because Sassa sends out an SMS notification confirming when the grant is available on their account.
- However, Sassa recently stated that they will resume publishing the payment schedule for the SRD grant on its various online platforms including social media. Beneficiaries of the SRD grant also have a wide variety of grant collection options at their disposal.
Sassa Reveals When R350 Grants Will Be Paid Every Month
- Sassa has revealed when millions of R350 grant beneficiaries will be paid every month. While the grant does not have a fixed payment date, the agency revealed during which period of the month successful R350 grant applicants are paid the relief grant.
- Paseka Letsatsi, Sassa spokesperson, explained that all R350 grant applications are verified to ensure the person applying for the grant meets all the eligibility requirements. Even though grant beneficiaries only submit a R350 grant application once, their application is verified by Sassa every month before they can be paid the relief grant.