Weekends Part-time Jobs For School Leavers And Students

Weekends Part-time Jobs For School Leavers And Students
Do you need extra cash ? Do you meet the minimum requirements listed below ? Here is a legal and easy way to reach your Goal!
Dial a stocktaker and work over the weekends doing stocktaking in various stores including Shoprite, Checkers ,Pick n Pay , Game and Spar.
We will train you as a stocktaker and will issue you with a Stocktaker Certificate
This division was created in order to give school leavers and students a chance to gain work experience and earn extra cash for study fees, books, and small luxuries. Over the years we have become a highly trusted and well-known force in the recruitment industry. Please look for us on the internet and look at our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/DialAStocktaker/) to learn more about us.
If you meet all the requirements in order to become a member of this remarkable team, just fill in the online application and submit it to us.
What are the requirements?
1) must be South African citizens,
2) must be at least 18 years old,
3) must have completed the minimum of grade 11,
4) must be able to read and write and
5) must have basic mathematical knowledge.
Be warned: This application is long and involved because we need a lot of information in order to assess whether you qualify to work for us and our impressive range of clients.
Once you have listed your skills, your hobbies, your previous works experience (if applicable) go through your answers again. We do not want you to list the skills and experiences you do not have. Just be truthful. Your availability is vitally important because stocktakes in the retail and wholesale industry normally take place over weekends and/or after hours.
How long does it take before you get an answer?
When we receive your online application, we try to assess the information received as soon as possible. However, due to the number of applications received it can take up to one week before you receive an e-mail answer from us.
If your application is approved, you will receive a request to:
Either contact our recruiter during a specific time and on specific days for a telephonic interview/screening.
Or you will be given a date and time to come to our offices to complete the registration process.
Our offices are in Braamfontein (Johannesburg- Gauteng) across the road from WITS University close to the Nelson Mandela Bridge.
There we can answer any other questions you may have and finalise your training date.
You will need to bring with your training fee (R80), but when you pass the test at the end of the training session and sign up for stocktakes you will earn more than double during your very first assignment. You also have to submit two ID-sized photos, your ID and a copy of your ID for us to keep, Certified Copies of your academic records and references (if applicable).
You will then receive a training manual which you must study before coming for a full day training session at the same offices.
When you pass the stocktake training you will receive a certificate, a Dial a Stocktaker card and a lanyard and you will be registered as a member of Dial a Stocktaker with full access to our notification and booking systems. You will receive instructions on how to book for stocktaking jobs as well as how to join Stocktaker Groups in your area to book for stocktakes and travel together to the various assignments.
Please ensure that the e-mail address you supply below is 100% accurate as that is how we will be corresponding with you initially. Wrong e-mail address = NO WORK!!