SASSA SRD-R350 Appeal Approved

SASSA SRD-R350 Appeal Approved SASSA SRD-R350 Appeal Pay dates
Check sassa status online it is only showing as “pending” and they are unable to receive the R350. The official SASSA recently released the below message on 1st June 2022:
Payments for the new cycle of the special COVID-19 SRD grant (from April 2022) will be paid as from mid-June 2022.
SASSA will continue clearing outstanding payments from the previous cycle as and when the bank details are confirmed. The payments will not be done together, but will be done month by month. More than one payment may be made in a month, but no one will receive double payments in amount. SASSA will do these multiple payments in a month until the backlog is finalized, where after monthly payments will resume.
Individuals can collect your grant cash from the, Pick-N-Pay or Boxer stores. Or alternatively a Bank Mobile Money Transfer (cash send option). You will only be able to collect the grant money once you have received a notification SMS confirmation to say there has been confirmation of payment. Use the below table to see the SRD Grant Payment Dates for this week.
SASSA Status Check, What is the R350 Reconsideration Process?
The reconsideration process is where they double-check the personal details and income status to make sure they are vulnerable individuals. There has recently been announcements of delays in the processing of reconsideration requests due to the longer time periods in communicating with the banks and financial institutions. Remember, in order to receive the covid-19 grant you must not be receiving any other government covid-19 response support.
How do I have my R350 Grant reconsidered?
If you see your Covid-19 SRD R350 grant application status as ‘Reapplication Pending’ then you should follow the below steps to dispute your R350 grant status:
- Go to the SRD portal:
- Click on the ‘Application for Reconsideration’ tab
- Then select ‘Click here to apply for reconsideration’
- Provide your ID number and cellphone number
- Complete the rest of the steps for reconsideration of your payment
Grant applicants can also check the current SRD grant application status on the official SASSA website here:
Navigate to the SRD grant application status on the official SASSA website using the online dashboard link here:
Enter your South African ID number of Applicant
Enter the phone number you used to submit the application
New Sassa R350 Grant Appeal
How To Submit A New R350 Grant Appeal
Step 1: Visit The New SRD Appeals Website
Step 2: Enter Your Identification Number
Step 3: Enter The Cell Phone Number You Used During The Application Process
Step 4: Click Send “Pin”
Step 5: One you receive the pin, you will be required to insert it and click “Submit”
Step 6: Select the month that you are appealing for
Step 7: Secret the drop down arrow to choose the reason for your appeal application from the options provided
Step 8: Click “Submit” to complete the appeal application process
It’s important to note that you require the pin to submit an appeal. This means that you need to have access to the cell phone you’re using during the application process. If you need to update your cell phone number,